Sunday, June 7, 2015

May 21, 2015 Thursday
Flew to Maui, Hawaii from Seattle. We got our rental car and something to eat. We are staying in Kaanapali. Once we got to the hotel we decided to walk down the beach. It was dark and most people were inside. We couldn’t really see the ocean even though it was really close, but we could hear the waves crashing. I have missed Hawaii the last few years. It’s good to be back! 
We walked past a cartoon cutout board. We decided to take a few pictures since we had it all to ourselves. We were cracking up. We met another couple who happened to walk by. They were so friendly and asked if they could take some pictures for us! They were on their honeymoon and drunk as heck but very nice! 

May 22, 2015 Friday
Enjoyed sleeping in and waking up to the tropical birds!  We went to breakfast in Whalers Village where we usually eat. We decided to walk along the beach and past the many hotels and shops along the way. We swan in the ocean a lot today and spent the rest of the day relaxing at the pool. 

In the evening we went to Lahaina and walked up and down checking out all the shops. We ate dinner at Cheeseburger in Paradise. We sat right by the window with an ocean view during sunset it was beautiful.

May 23, 2015 Saturday
It started out a little cloudy today so we decided to do the “Road to Hana.” We’ve done it twice before but wanted to do it again. By the time we ate lunch the weather was better. 
The waterfalls were wonderful. It was beautiful and a full day by the time you drive up and back. We really enjoyed it but decided we’ve done it enough now. We stopped many places  on the way including Black sand beach and the Seven Scared pools. We bought banana bread at one of the roadside stands. It was pretty good. 

Ching's Pond

Seven Sacred Pools

May 24, 2015 Sunday
Sleeping in is the best! We go to sleep at night listening to the waves crashing on shore and wake up to the sunshine and tropical birds singing. We can see the ocean from our balcony and the sunsets are beautiful!

We spent the day on the beach, (Kaanapali Beach) right outside our hotel. We walked all along the shore. We shared a shave ice. We hung out later at the pool then ate dinner at Leilani’s in Whalers Village. We had Hula Pie for dessert. The dinner was very nice and very good!

May 25, 2015 Monday
We woke up at 3:30 am to watch the sunrise at Haleakala. It is about a 2 hour drive up. It was beautiful and pretty cold. You are up 10,000 feet. You can see the big Island from where you are standing, above the clouds. Way cool! 

We drove back to Kaanapali and went to Ihop for breakfast. We hung out at the beach and pool. We went to Hula Grill for dinner. We watched the sunset after dinner right outside the restaurant.

The Big Island in the distance

May 26, 2015 Tuesday
We went to Big beach at Mckenna State Park. It is such a beautiful beach. It’s over by Wailea the area is so nice and the neighborhoods are beautiful. We stopped and got a coconut drink. Along the same road we stopped at a roadside truck for lunch. It was super good...and messy. 

We went to Big Beach down the road and hung out most of the day. Love renting the chairs. I hate lying down. It’s too beautiful to close your eyes, although I did for a bit just relaxing and taking in the moment. We went back to the hotel later, showered and watched the sunset from our balcony again!  

May 27, 2015 Wednesday   
We ate breakfast at Whalers Village at Fish and Pasta (They serve breakfast too.)  We went over to Black Rock and snorkeled for a little bit. The waves were big for this time of year so the snorkeling was not so wonderful. It was kind of cloudy. Plus we really couldn’t get close to Big Rock because the waves were crashing on it too much. 

We walked along the beach and watched people body surfing. We saw a turtle. He stayed close to shore for quite a long time. We hung out at the hotel pool the rest of the day. We ate dinner at the The Ale House. It was really good. We flew to Oahu. For the last 4 days.

May 28, 2015 Thursday
We woke up and walked down to Waikiki we walked along the beach. We watched a catamaran set sail and take off for a cruise. We walked back down the beach and sat on the grassy hill area relaxing and people watching. We shared a shave ice. 
I remember lying there looking up into the palm trees through the filtered sun shining, thinking… “I don’t want to ever leave!” We ate really late so we went to Ihop across the street from our hotel.

WOW is all we could say!! Ha 

May 29, 2015 Friday
We went to the local breakfast place down the street. It’s really good. We had a fire alarm in our hotel this morning! Lucky for us we were just walking out the door. Later a guy in the elevator said “Yea...I was in the shower!” Nice! 

We went to Waimea Falls. It’s about a mile hike through beautiful tropical gardens. At the end is a waterfall you can swim in. The hike was pretty easy. You are required to wear life-jackets! I thought that stunk but after getting in it was kind of cool because I was trying to take pictures and I could float pretty easy! It was the coolest thing to swim under the falls and really refreshing! I loved it. 

We walked back and continued on to Waimea Beach. We parked down the road at a local church and walked down to the beach. The sand is so thick at that beach. We spent the day there. It was so nice and we spent a lot of time in the ocean. We walked along the beach several times and watched people jumping off the big rock. 

We drove up to the North shore. On the way we stopped at a local fruit stand and got fresh pineapple and mango's. So good! 

We got back to the hotel and showered and went into downtown Waikiki and walked around the shops for awhile. We ate dinner there at “Giovanni Pastrami.” We’ve eaten there before its pretty good.  

Waimea Beach

Pineapple fields

May 30, 2015 Saturday
Went to the local breakfast place again! It’s beautiful out as usual. We are going to”Lanikai Beach” for the day today. It was so nice. We met a really nice couple there and talked with them for quite awhile. They live here. We had a great time. Plus we absolutely love this beach. We spent the whole day there. 

That evening we went into Waikiki and walked along the main street with all the shops and restaurants. (“Kalakaua Ave.”) We ate dinner at “Cheesecake Factory” and just really enjoyed the evening!

May 31, 2015 Sunday
We decided to take a drive today and went over to the south side of the Island to Sandy Beach. We watched the wake boarders for awhile. The waves were really big. All the boarders had wake board flippers on. The lifeguard got on his loud speaker several times to warn swimmers that unless they know what they are doing and have flippers on they pretty much should get out of the water. ( The lifeguards were saying that on a few beaches this trip) Sandy Beach is the most dangerous beach in the United States. Looks like only young kids were here! Except for us and a few others watching! It was quite entertaining.

We continued our drive along the coast and came upon a Polo game, so we went. Never watched The “Sport of Kings” before it was fun! 
We ate dinner in Waikiki at the Hard Rock Café.

Sandy Beach

A few of the video's I took of them playing were to long to post. It was really fun to watch.

June 1, 2015
Went to the airport and flew home! I hated to leave this time. Hope to be back next year again. 
A hui hou kakou, Until we meet again.